There is also a fabulous writing retreat in Oxfordshire from Friday September 6th to Sunday 8th. Take a break from the busy world and enjoy some countryside peace to get the words flowing. See here for details. Writers' Retreat
Refreshed from Oxfordshire, Rosie Canning will be leading her second 6-part Start That Novel course from Monday 9th September. Details and online deposit payment here. Start That Novel
The Greenacre Writers 3rd Short Story Competition is underway with the closing date on 30th September - don't miss out. The top three winning stories receive cash prizes and publication in the third Greenacre Writers Anthology and the three runners up are also published. For rules and online entries see Short Story Competition

Copies of Greenacre Writers Anthology Vol 2 available here Anthology
We are also planning for next year's Literary Festival, and an exciting new course for novelists - details to be announced.
Our two Finish That Novel groups and the Short Story critiquing groups continue to be busy with plans for re-structuring the Memoir and Autobiography group.
To follow the blogs of some of our members and guests at our two festivals: see links on the right.
Follow us on Twitter: @GreenacreWriter