Sunday, 15 March 2015

Barnet Libraries Short Story Competition

Calling all competition enthusiasts - Barnet Libraries are becoming hubs of creativity (we think we may have influenced them a little) and they're hoping Greenacre peeps and other writing enthusiasts will enter the short story comp. Details below:

Cityread “Mysterious Metropolis” writing competition

Terms and Conditions
 This competition is organised by Barnet Libraries to complement our Cityread programme 2015 which features Ben Aaronovitch’s Rivers of London, so our competition is on the theme of “Mysterious Metropolis”, and your story should have a London setting.
 Stories must be no more than 2000 words.
 The competition is open to writers aged 16 or over.
 No entries can be received from Barnet Libraries staff or their relatives.  Entries must be an original piece of fiction and not an account of real events.
 Entries should be received between 16 March and 1st May.
 Entries should be emailed to or posted to

Cityread Writing Competition
Service Development Librarian Team
Building 4
Oakleigh Road South
N11 1NP

 Entrants must provide their name, address, email and/or phone number and age.
 Prizes will be awarded approx. 28 days after the closing date, and winners will be notified.
 The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
 Winner’s names will be featured on our social media @BarnetLibraries on twitter and Barnet Libraries on Facebook and our website.
 All winning entries will be published on our Ebook platform and on our facebook page.
 Entries cannot be returned so please remember to retain a copy. Unsuccessful entrants will not be contacted in respect of their entry and no feedback on any entry will be provided.
 Entries must not contain defamatory, obscene, offensive, or any other unsuitable material.

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